Have you at any point been fruitful to such an extent that you sensed that you were suffocating in work? Of course, that is the sort of issue we as a whole need to have, however it doesn't make it any less dubious to deal with.

EL Group realizes that difficulty well. A Venture Studio, El Group needed to extend their contributions and spotlight more on vital, comprehensive arrangements, just as bigger scale imaginative undertakings. In any case, with incredible achievement comes extraordinary interest (yet no more hours in the day).

Being too occupied was preventing EL Group from developing, so they expected to roll out an improvement. They found a superior method to deal with flood work—and develop their hatchery—with 99designs.

Challenge: Too much work, too brief period 

El bunch fabricates application new businesses and they do it well. At the point when they extended to concentrate on venture and developing the network, the interest for their work didn't go down and they required an approach to stay aware of the outstanding burden while discovering more opportunity to commit to new tasks.

Arrangement: A productive method to deal with flood 

EL Group utilized 99designs to develop a system of extraordinary application fashioners they realize they can depend on. These architects consistently participate in El Group's Design Contests, giving them a steady wellspring of good thoughts. Furthermore, when El Group has flood work—like extra screen mockups—they know there's constantly a fashioner there to complete it.

Results: Trusted group and space to develop

In the wake of running more than 100 challenges, EL Group has a solid group of architects they go to over and over. The expedient, productive procedure they've created has permitted EL Group to grow their hatchery's contributions and take in new business visionaries and new businesses without bringing down the exclusive requirements that got them where they are today.

Taking care of flood productively to encourage development 

You don't need to be a gigantic organization to develop; you simply need the correct group in your corner. EL Group expected to deal with flood in a superior manner, so as to free up the principals' a great opportunity to take on new ventures and extend the organization's core interest. 99designs helped them handle their flood and keep up their elevated expectations by working out a confided in group of independent application originators.